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Previous Campus Workshops  

Listed by State/Country





Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University (onsite and 3-hr webinar)

Auburn University - Presented to Faculty Group from Saudi Arabia

Bishop State Community College

Samford University

University of Alabama



University of Alaska-Fairbanks



University of Arkansas



AT Still University



California Polytechnic State University - Pomona

California State University - Monterey Bay

California State University - Pomona

Loyola - Marymount, CA

Pepperdine University

Riverside City College

University of California - Berkeley



Regis University

United States Air Force Academy



Norwalk Community College

Quinnipiac University

Southern Connecticut State University

Yale University



University of Delaware



Adventist University of Health Sciences

Bethune-Cookman University

Daytona State College

LEACOM School of Pharmacy

Nova Southeastern

Seminole State College

University of West Florida

Valencia College

Webber International University



Augusta University

Bainbridge State College

Berry College

Clark Atlanta University

Dalton State College

Emory University

Georgia Tech University

Life University

University of Georgia

University of Georgia System



Hawaii Pacific University



Bosie State University

Northwest Nazarene

University of Idaho



College of Lake County

DePaul University

Eastern Illinois University

Illinois State University

Indiana University Purdue at Calumet

Northern Illinois University

Roosevelt University

University of Illinois



Indiana University School of Medicine

Indiana University - Bloomington

Indiana University-Fort Wayne

Indiana University-Purdue University South Bend

Indiana University-Southeast

Ivy Technical College



Des Moines University

Grandview University

Iowa Western Community College

Palmer College of Chiropractic (on site and 1-hr webinar)

Morningside College

Northern Iowa State University

Simpson College



Kansas State University

AT Still University



Bellarmine University

Murray State University

Northern Kentucky University 

University of Kentucky

University of Louisville

University of Western Kentucky




Loyola University - New Orleans, LA

Nicholls State University



Husson University



Frostburg University

National Institute of Health 

United States Navel Academy

University of Maryland - College Park

University of Maryland System



Bridgewater State University

Quinnipiac University

Western New England University



Adrian College

Baker Community College

Central Michigan University

Ferris State University

Kettering University

Lake Superior State University

Lansing Community College

Michigan State University

Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Mid Michigan Community College

Mott Community College

Oakland University

Saginaw Valley State University 

Siena Heights University

University of Michigan – Flint

MinnesotaMinnesota State University – Mankato

St. Mary's University

University of Michigan - Dearborn

Washtenaw Community College



Metropolitan State University

University of Minnesota - Mankato 



University of Mississippi 

University of Southern Mississippi 



Mercy Medical Residency Program, St. Louis

University of Missouri - St. Louis



Montana State University



Union College - Lincoln Neb

University of Nebraska - Lincoln



University of Nevada

Nevada State University


New Hampshire

No workshops in State of NH.....yet


New Jersey

New Jersey Council of Community Colleges

Middlesex Country College

Stockton University

Rowan University


New Mexico

Las Cruces High School

New Mexico State University


New York

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Iona College

Kingsborough Community College

Nassau Community College

New School

Niagara University

Rochester Institute of Technology

SUNY - Oneonta

Suffolk County Community College

University of Buffalo

West Point Military Academy


North Carolina

Alamance Community College

Appalachian State University

Brevard College

Duke University

Durham Technical College

Fayetteville State University

Greensboro Technical College

Highpoint University

Impact Alamance

Johnson & Wales University

Louisburg College

North Carolina State University

North Carolina Wesleyan College

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College

Shaw University

Southeastern Area Health Education Center

UNC School of Medicine - AHEC

UNC - Charlotte

UNC - Chapel Hill

UNC - Greensboro

UNC – School of Medicine

UNC - Wilmington

University of Mount Olive  

Wayne Community College

Wilkes Community College

Wingate University


North Dakota

No workshops in State of ND.....yet



Christ College of Nursing & Health Sciences

Cuyahoga Community College

Heidelberg University

Kent State

Kenyon College

Miami University

Ohio State University

Ohio University

Ohio University at Ironton

Southern Oregon State University

Wright State University



Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center

University of Central Oklahoma  



Pacific University - College of Optometry

University of Oregon



Bloomsburg University

Drexel University

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Gannon University

Harrisburg Area Community College

Indiana University - Pennslyviana

Northampton Community College

Pennsylvania State University

St. Joseph’s University – Philadelphia

Temple University

Thomas Jefferson University - Philadelphia

Villanova University

York College of Pennsylvania


Rhode Island

University of Rhode Island


South Carolina

Clemson University

Florence-Darlington Technical College

South Carolina State University

South Central Technical College

Tri-County Technical College

University of South Carolina


South Dakota

South Dakota State University

South Dakota State University - Sanford School of Medicine



East Tennessee State University

Lee University

Rhodes College

University of Tennessee - Chattanooga



Blinn College

Fort Sam Houston

Palo Alto College

Parker University 

Rice University

Sam Houston State University

Southern Methodist University

Texas Christian University

Texas Tech University

University of Mary Hardin - Baylor

University of Texas - Commerce



Weber State University

Utah Valley University



George Mason University

Jefferson College of Health Sciences

Liberty University

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Lynchburg College

Mary Baldwin University

Northern Virginia Community College

Randolph Macon Women’s College

Virginia State University

Virginia Community College System

University of Virginia - School of Medicine



Northern Vermont University



Bellevue College

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Tacoma Community College

University of Washington


Washington, DC

George Washington University



Chippewa Valley Technical College

Herzing University


West Virginia

Fairmont State University

University of West Virginia



University of Wyoming




Listed by Institution

AAMC Minority Faculty Career Development

Adventist University of Health Sciences

Adrian College

Alabama A&M University

Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University

Alamance Schools

Algonquin College

Appalachian State University

AT Still University

Auburn University 

Augusta University (Georgia Regents)

Bainbridge State College 

Berry College

Bethune-Cookman University

Baker Community College

Bellarmine University

Bellevue College

Bielefeld University

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Bishop State Community College

Blinn College 

Bloomsburg University

Bosie State University

Brevard College

Bridgewater State University

California Polytechnic State University - Pomona

California State University - Monterey Bay

California State University - Northridge

California State University - Pomona

Chippewa Valley Technical College

Clark Atlanta University

Central Michigan University

Christ College of Nursing & Health Sciences​

Clemson University

College of Lake County

Cuyahoga Community College

Dalton State College

Daytona State College

Des Moines University

Depaul University

Drexel University

Duke University

Durham Technical College

Eastern Illinois University

East Tennessee State University

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Emory University 

Fairmont State University

Fayetteville State University

Ferris State University

Florence-Darlington Technical College

Frostburg University

Fort Sam Houston

Gannon University

Gates Foundation

George Mason University

Georgia Tech University

Georgian College

Grandview University

Greensboro Technical College

Guilford Techical College

Hawaii Pacific University

Harrisburg Area Community College

Heidelberg University

Herzing University

Highpoint University

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Husson University

Illinois State University

Indiana University School of Medicine

Indiana University - Bloomington

Indiana University - Pennsylvania

Indiana University-Southeast

Indiana University - South Bend

Indiana University Purdue Univ. - Calumet

Indiana University Purdue Univ. - Fort Wayne

Indiana University Purdue Univ. - Indianapolis

Iona College

Iowa Western Community College

Indiana University - Fort Wayne

Ivy Technical College

Johnson & Wales University

Jefferson College of Health Sciences

Kansas State University

Kent State

Kenyon College

Kettering University

Kingsborough Community College

Lake Superior State University

Lansing Community College

Las Cruces High School

Laurier University

LEACOM School of Pharmacy

Lee University

Liberty University

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Life University

Louisburg College

Loyola - Marymount, CA

Loyola University - New Orleans, LA

Lynchburg College

Mary Baldwin University

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Metropolitan State University - St. Paul, MN

Meredith College

Miami University

Michigan State University

Michigan State Univ. College of Osteopathic Med

Mid Michigan Community College

Middlesex Country College

Minnesota State University – Mankato

Montana State University

Morningside College

Mott Community College

Murray State University

Nassau Community College

National Institute of Health

Nevada State University

New Jersey Council of Community Colleges

New Mexico State University

New School

Niagara University

Nicholls State University

NIH - Child and Health Development

North Carolina State University

North Carolina Wesleyan College

Northern Illinois University

Northern Iowa State University

Northern Kentucky University 

Northern Virginia Community College

Northampton Community College

Northern Vermont University

Norwalk Community College

Northwest Nazarene

Nova Southeastern

Oakland University School of Medicine

Ohio University

Ohio University at Ironton

Ohio State University

Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center

Pacific University - College of Optometry

Palo Alto College

Palmer College of Chiropractic

Parker University 

Pennsylvania State University

Pepperdine University

Quinnipiac University

Randolph Macon Women’s College

Red Deer Community College

Regis University

Rhodes College

Rice University

Riverside City College

Rochester Institute of Technology

Roosevelt University

Rowan University

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College

Samford University

Saginaw Valley State University 

Sam Houston State University

Seminole State College

Shaw University

Siena Heights University

Simpson College

South Carolina State University

South Central Technical College

South Dakota State University

SDSU - Sanford School of Medicine

Southeastern Area Health Education Center

Southern Connecticut State University

Southern Oregon State University

St. Joseph’s University – Philadelphia

St. Mary's University

Stockton University

Suffolk County Community College

SUNY - Oneonta

Tacoma Community College

Temple University

Texas Christian University

Texas Tech University

Tri-County Technical College

Union College - Lincoln Neb

United States Navel Academy

University Maryland System

University of Alabama

University of Alaska-Fairbanks

University of Arkansas

University of Brunei

University of Buffalo

University of California - Berkeley

University of Central Oklahoma

University of Delaware

University of Edinburgh

University of Georgia

University of Georgia System

University of Idaho

University of Illinois

University of Kentucky - School of Medicine

University of Louisville

University of Macau

University of Mary Hardin - Baylor

University of Maryland - College Park

University of Maryland System

University of Michigan – Dearborn

University of Michigan – Flint

University of Minnesota - Mankato

University of Mississippi 

University of Missouri - St. Louis

University of Mount Olive  

University of Nebraska - Lincoln 

University of Nevada

UNC School of Medicine - AHEC

University of North Carolina-Charlotte

University of North Carolina-Greensboro

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina - School of Medicine

University of North Carolina - Wilmington

University of Oregon

University of Rhode Island

University of South Carolina

University of Southern Mississippi

University of Strathclyde

United States Air Force Academy

University of Tennessee - Chattanooga

University of Texas - Commerce

University of Virginia - School of Medicine

University of Washington

University of West Florida

University of West Virginia

University of Western Kentucky

University of Wyoming

Utah Valley University

Valencia College

Villanova University

Virginia State University

Washtenaw Community College

Wayne Community College

Weber State University

Webber International University

West Point Military Academy

Western New England University

Western Kentucky University 

Wilkes Community College

Wingate University

Wright State University - School of Medicine

Yale University

York College of PA





University of Innsbruck 



Algonquin College

Laurier University

Red Deer Community College

Georgian College

University of British Columbia



University of Brunei



Bielefeld University


Hong Kong

Hong Kong Baptist University

University of Hong Kong



University Limerick



University of West Indies - Jamaica

University of West Indies  - Trinidad & Tabago



University of Macau



University of Edinburgh

University of Strathclyde



Maribor University

University of Ljubljana

University of Primorska



Växjö University


United Kingdom

Durham University

Selected Keynotes, Plenary Addresses,
and Conference Workshops



Universal Threads: Common Components of All Effective Teaching Strategies. Keynote address at the 2019 Annual Conference of The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Sciences. Baltimore, MD.

February 23, 2019 


Teaching for Learning: Concepts and Strategies that can be used in Any Class. Keynote address at the 2018 Annual Conference of Teachers of Accounting at Two-Year Colleges. Tampa, FL.

May 18, 2018 


Face-2-Face, Online, Technology Enhanced, Flipped, Lecture, and Everything Else: Foundational Principles Necessary for All Learning. Keynote address at the 3T: Teaching, Techniques and Technology Conference.  Clermont, OH.

March 3, 2017


Foundations of Learning: Similarities between Successful Flipped Classrooms, Lectures, Service-Learning, and other Pedagogical Strategies. Keynote address at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, VA

February 14, 2018


Teaching for Brain-Based Learning: Evidence-based Strategies for Today’s Students,.  Keynote presentation at the 17th Annual CCTL Conference on Teaching and Learning. Niagara, NY 

(January 9, 2018)


Pathways to Excellence: A Reflection on How Connections Enrich Learning.  Keynote Presentation at the QM Connect Annual Conference. Fort Worth, TX. 

(September 25, 2017) 


Motivating Students: Strategies for Teaching from the Psychology of Learning. Plenary Presentation at the The International Conference on Student-Centered Learning,

Portorož, Slovenia

(May 16, 2017)


The Magic of Learning.....Revealed.  Session Invited by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at the ASU Global Silicon Valley Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.

(May 8, 2017) 


Building Capacity: Finding Time to Create Work-Life Harmony.  Preconference workshop at the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.

(May 5, 2017) 


Teaching Students How to Learn.  Keynote Speaker for the Central Region NC Association for Developmental Education Conference. Raleigh, NC.

(March 31, 2017) 


Teaching for Learning: Concepts, Strategies, and Tips for Motivating and Engaging Students in the Classroom.  Keynote speaker for the Great Lakes Student Success Conference. Detroit, MI.

(February 16, 2017)


Teaching for Learning: Applying Current Research to Improve Learning for Your Students. Opening Plenary Presentation for the Health Professions Educational Research Symposium. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

(January 21, 2017)


The Flipped Classroom and Student Learning: Evidence, Myths, and Suggestions. Plenary Presentation for Original Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning. Oxford, OH

(November 18, 2016)


Effective Teaching and Student Learning: A Few Things we Know for Sure and a Few Things We are Still Sorting Out. Opening Keynote for International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning. Kennesaw, GA

(October 14, 2016)


Teaching for Learning: Strategies to Motivate and Engage Students. Opening Keynote for International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning. Salt Lake City, UT

(October 13, 2016)


Relying on Assessment to Chip Away at Academic Injustices in the Classroom. Opening Keynote for Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning Assessment. Philadelphia, PA

(September 7, 2016)


Significant Findings in Teaching and Learning: Separating Research from Myths (with Janina Tosic, Niederrhein University of Applied Scienced, Germany). Workshop at Improving University Teaching Conference, Durham, UK

(July 15, 2016)


Teaching for Learning: What we Know....and Don't Know...About How Students Learn.

Invited workshops at the Completion by Design Conference. Raleigh, NC.

(June 28, 2016)


Assessing for Learing and Increase Your Scholarly Activity.

Invited workshops at STFM Medical Student Educators Development Workshop. Minneapolis, MN

(April 30, 2016)


The Future of Teaching and Learning: There are Bright Spots

Keynote address for the All Tech Users Conference.  Atlanta, GA. (April 2, 2016)


A Look at How Teaching is Changing …and Where We Are (or may be) Headed

Closing plenary address for the Society for College and Univerity Planning - Mid Atlantic.  Newark, DE. 

(April 1, 2016)


Teaching for Learning: Easy to use Methods to Engage Students. Plenary address at the Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning. Atlanta, GA. (February 20, 2016)


Curriculum Design and Educational Technology. Invited workshop for the Medical Student Educators Development Institute. Phoenix, AZ. (January 27, 2016)


Tips and Techniques to Motivate and Engage Your Students. Keynote speaker for VA Community College System New Faculty Seminar. Richmond, VA. (October 29, 2015)


Curriculum Design and Educational Technology. Invited workshop for the AAMC - Minority Faculty Career Development Seminar. Atlanta, GA. (September 20, 2015)


The New Science of Learning: How Research is Revolutionizing the Way we Teach. Keynote address for 20th Annual DePaul Teaching and Learning Conference. Chicago, IL. (May 1, 2015)


Taking the plunge into On-Line Education. Closing workshop at the 2015 Annual Meeting of Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Newport Beach, CA. Collegeville, MN. (April 18, 2015)


Overcoming Apathy: Increasing Motivation in the Classroom. Keynote address for the 2015 Midwest Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Conference. South Bend, IN. (April 10, 2015)


Engaging Students in the Classroom: Strategies for Teaching from the Psychology of Learning.  Opening keynote address at the Spring Faculty Conference - Inspiring Active Learning.  St. Paul, MN. (March 28, 2015)


The New Science of Learning: How Research is Revolutionizing the Way we Teach. Keynote address for 6th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference. Dalton, GA. (March 20, 2015). 


How Teaching is Changing and Where We Are (Or May Be) Headed.  Opening keynote address for the 2015 FantasTech Virtual Conference. Online. (February 6, 2015). 


Creating Excitement in the Classroom: Strategies for Teaching from the Psychology of Learning.  Keynote address for the 2015 Educators Connect Conference.  Hattiesburg, MS. (February 17, 2015). 


Teaching: Joys and Challenges of the Greatest Profession. Closing plenary at the Annual Conference on Teaching & Learning Assessment. Philadelphia, PA. (September 12, 2014)


Drawing from Multiple Disciplines: Strategies and Suggestions for Teaching from an Informed Perspective. Plenary address at the 20th Biennial International Conference on Teaching Philophy. (July 30, 2014)


Teaching: Joys and Challenges of the Greatest Professon. Keynote address for the 11th Annual Dean's Academic Lunch.  West Point, NY. May 12, 2014). 


Looking at the Next 25 Years: What Needs to Change (and What Better Not)? Closing plenary address at the 25th Annual Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching. Pomona, CA. (March, 2013)


Critical Challenges in Teaching and Learning: Why Teaching Students How to Learn is Essential.  Keynote address for the Health Professions Educational Research Symposium. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  (January 26, 2013) 


What Research Tells Us About How People Learn. Co-Plenary address at the 32nd Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Oxford, OH. (November 16, 2012)


Teaching for learning: An evidence-based examination of key pedagogical concepts.  Opening plenary address at the 4th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy.  Blacksburg, VA. (February 8, 2012)





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